Home – Conspiracy Theorists

In a time when so many things seem unexplainable, it can be easy to seek meaning online. Sometimes, in our quest for explanations for current events, we may turn to conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories attempt to explain the unexplainable by simplifying causes and effects, reducing complex events to shadowy cabals and evildoers.

Image generated by artificial intelligence which shows a swirling people and newspapers and media meant to show the conspiracy theory swirl.

They can also lead down dark paths, encouraging despair and rage. If you feel that you may be falling down the conspiracy rabbithole, if you are experiencing difficulties with personal relationships because of your conspiratorial belifs, or if you are spending too much time online, or if you feel yourself become more and more interested in extreme views, you are not alone. Many people today struggle with such challenges, and we hope this toolkit can help you get free of conspiracism.