
The Escaping Conspiracy Theories Toolkit was designed, prototyped, and launched in Fall 2023 at Purdue University. The initial project team included student researchers with expertise in various domains relevant to intervening in conspiracy theories and committed to an empathetic, holistic approach to the difficult challenge of conspiracy theories.

The project team:

Matthew Hannah

Jordan Cooley

Emmett Warnock

Taylor Quinn

Amelia Simpson

Dr. Matthew N. Hannah is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Studies at Purdue University.

Jordan Cooley is an undergraduate student studying cybersecurity at Purdue University.

Emmett Warnock is an undergraduate student in the department of Anthropology at Purdue University.

Taylor Quinn is an undergraduate student studying cybersecurity and human rights at Purdue University.

Amelia Simpson is an undergraduate student at Purdue University in the History Department with minors in English and Spanish.